Ilm muutub Quitos tormilise kiirusega ehkki tuult siin praktiliselt ei ole. Hommikuti tundub alati, et on jahe. Keskpäevaks võib päike aga välja tulla ning olla nii soe, et mõtlen miks ma taaskord pikad püksid jalga olen pannud. Õhtuti on tavaliselt samuti jahe. Seega tuleb kodust välja minnes kindel olla, et kotti said nii päevituskreem kui ka vihmavari. Lund siin ei saja (ehkki vulkaanitipud on lumega kaetud), rahet aga küll. Eile sadas suisa hernetera suuruseid jääpalle. Vaatasime kontoris üksteisele imestunud nägudega otsa, sest rääkida oli võimatu. Lihtsalt ei kuulnud midagi!
Paar päeva tagasi tundsin, et maja värises veidi. Mõtlesin, et ju oli bussist või millestki muust tingitud. Kontoris on ju alatihti tunda, kui buss on just mööda sõitnud. Tuli välja, et oli hoopis maavärin. Minu päris esimene maavärin Ecuadoris :)
Üleeilseks olin Ecuadoris olnud täpselt 4 nädalat ja üleeile oli ka see päev kui ma esimest korda siinoleku ajal kartuleid keetsin. Siiani olen iga päev 2 korda päevas tublisti riisi söönud, välja arvatud üks kord, kui makarone sõime. Pisut üksluine või mis... Kartuleid söövad kohalikud enamjaolt vaid tortillas (Hispaania omlett kartulitega) või suppides. Supid on siin muidu maitsvad, igasuguste ubade ja läätsedega. Täna näiteks sõime mingit suppi mis oli taaskord tehtud millestki, mida Euroopas ei leidu J Suppi sõime paukmaisiga. Omamoodi, aga sobis imehästi!
Toiduga seoses meenus veel üks naljakas juhtum. Küsisin oma Ecuadori perelt, et kas oleks võimalik saia asemel hommikuti putru süüa (esialgu ei olnud neil muidugi õrna aimu millest rääkisin, kuna sõna, mida hispaanias pudru kirjeldamiseks kasutatakse, kasutatakse siin hoopis millegi muu kirjeldamiseks...). Selle peale küsis Omar, et milleks süüa putru? Meil on ju Machica... Machica on ilmselt midagi kama ja pudru vahepealset, aga oluliselt peenem puru. Machica segatakse kuuma piimaga ja lisatakse suhkur. Maitseb nagu pudrustatud lögased kellogsid sooja piimaga J Järgmine hommik keetsin juba putru...
Hasta luego,
Vaade kontorist/View from the office |
Rahe/Hail |
Supp paukmaisiga :)/Soup with popcorn :) |
Porgandikook, mille sünnipäevaks küpsetasin/The carrot cake I baked for my birthday |
RIIS-minu Ecuadori pere ostab riisi 50 kilo kaupa...väidetavalt jätkub umbes kuueks kuuks/RICE-my Ecuadorian family buys rice in bags of 50 kg... They expect it to last for about six months. |
The weather changes unbelievably fast here in Quito, even though there is almost no wind. It’s always a bit chilly in the mornings, but it usually gets very warm by midday. Evenings are also rather cold. Thus I have to make sure I have an umbrella and some sunblock with me every time I leave the house. It doesn’t snow here (even though the highest volcanoes have some snow at the top), however, it does hail. It hailed yesterday, the ice balls were as big as peas. We had just arrived to the office and were looking at each other trying to figure out what was going on. It was hailing so heavily that we couldn’t even hear each-other!
It felt like the house was shaking a few days ago. I thought it must have been because of a bus that had passed or something, because I can usually feel when the busses pass at the office. It turned out it was an eartquake instead. My very first earthquake in Ecuador J
I had been in Ecuador for exactly 4 weeks by the day before yesterday, it was the day when I bolied some potatoes for the first time here. I’d been eating rice twice a day every day by then, except for one time when we ate some noodles. A bit monotone, I think... The locals eat potatoes mostly only in tortillas (Spanish omelet with potatoes) or in soups. The soups are quite tasty here though, with all kinds of beans and lentils. Today, for example, we had some soup for lunch, which was again made of something that we don’t have in Europe J And we ate the soup with popcorn. Different, but delicious!
I remembered another funny story regarding the food. I asked my Ecuadorian family if it would be possible for me to have porridge for breakfast instead of bread (they couldn’t understand what I was talking about to begin with since they don’t use the same word for it here as they do in Spain). Omar, my hostbrother, couldn’t understand why I wanted to have porridge for breakfast though, because we have Machica instead, which is supposed to be better. Machica is some sort of a powder that you have to add to hot milk with some sugar. It tastes like warm, soggy cornflakes that have been mashed J So the next morning I decided to make some porridge instead...
Hasta luego,
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