Monday, January 31, 2011

Unenäopüüdja/Dream catcher

Laupäeva varahommikuks oli meile, vabatahtlikele, organiseeritud Otavalo külastus. Otavalo on tuntud oma turu poolest, mis õigupoolest moodustabki Otavalo, sest turg on linna suurune. Otavalo turg on Lõuna-Ameerika tuntuim indiaani turg. Kohalikud müüvad kõike, käsitööst jalanõude ja toiduni. Meil oli Otavalo külastuseks küll kahjuks ainult üks tund, kuna pidime edasi kiirustama, aga õnneks on Otavalo ainult kahe tunni kaugusel, seega on sinna lihtne uuesti minna :)

Järgmisena külastasime Peguche koske, kus vapramad meist ka ujuda said. Ujuda oli muidugi küllaltki keeruline, kuna põhi oli kivine ja vesi ei olnud eriti sügav ning lisaks oli kosest tingitud õhuvoolu tõttu raske hingata. See-eest oli vesi küllaltki soe! Ma üritasin ka kose taha minna, ent seal ei olnud võimalik hingata ning vee surve oli 18 meetrise languse tõttu üsna tugev. Hiljem kuulsin, et kose taga on võimalik ainult nägu vastu seina olla, sest ainult nii on võimalik hingata.

Edasi sõitsime ühe vulkaani juurde, kus keset vulkaani oli laguun. Väidetavalt on vulkaan endiselt aktiivne ning seetõttu on järve keskmes vesi mõnes kohas soe. Meie paadiga järvele ei läinud, küll aga oli vesi imeilus ja läbipaistev ka kaldalt vaadates. Hilisõhtul jõudsime Quitosse tagasi, kust mõni meist pidi veel kaks tundi bussiga sõitma, et koju jõuda. Meil Tuvega läks lihtsamini, pool tundi ja kodus me olimegi :)


Teel Otavalosse/On our way to Otavalo

Otavalo turg/Otavalo market

Meie ja poiss alpakaga :)/Us and a boy with an alpaca :)

Peguche kosk/Peguche waterfall

Kraater järv/Crater lake

    Mina kraater järve ääres/ Me by the crater lake

Unenäopüüdja/Dream catcher

Saturday was a busy day, because the organization had organized us, the volunteers, a trip to Otavalo. Otavalo is famous for its market, which is almost as big as the town itself. It is the most famous indigenous market in South-America. The locals sell everything from handicrafts to shoes and food. Unfortunately we only had one hour in Otavalo, but it's only two hours away, so it's easy to go there again :)

We also visited Peguche waterfall where the bravest ones of us went for a swim. It was a bit difficult to swim since there were lots of rocks in the water, the water wasn't very deep and it was hard to breath. Nevertheless, the water was quite warm! I also tried to go behind the waterfall, but I couldn't stay there for long since there was no air and also the water pressure was very strong as the waterfall was 18 meters high. One of the volunteers told me later that you can only stay there if you face the wall behind the waterfall, because this is the only way you can breathe behind it.

The last stop was by a crater lake on top of a volcano. The volcano is apparently still active and thus the water is warm at some places in the middle of the lake. The water was really beautiful and see-through. We got back to Quito late in the evening, where some of us had to take a two hour bus ride to get home. Me and Tuve were lucky to reach home in half an hour to rest and get ready for Sunday :)


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